Histol Histopathol

Review Open Access

Angiosarcomas: histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular insights with implications for differential diagnosis

Isidro Machado1,2, Francisco Giner3, Javier Lavernia4, Julia Cruz1, Víctor Traves1, Celia Requena5, Beatriz Llombart5, José Antonio López-Guerrero6,7,8 and Antonio Llombart-Bosch9

1Pathology Department, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 2Pathology Department, Hospital Quirón, 3Pathology Department, University Hospital La Fe, 4Department of Oncology, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 5Dermatology Department, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 6Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, 7IVO-CIPF Joint Research Unit of Cancer, Príncipe Felipe Research Center (CIPF), 8Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Catholic University of Valencia 'San Vicente Mártir' and 9Pathology Department, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Corresponding Author: Isidro Machado, Pathology Department, Instituto Valenciano de Oncología, Valencia, Spain. e-mail: Isidro.Machado@uv.es

Summary. Angiosarcomas (AS) represent a heterogenous group of tumors with variable clinical presentation. AS share an important morphologic and immunohistochemical overlap with other sarcomas, hence the differential diagnosis is challenging, especially in poorly-differentiated tumors. Although molecular studies provide significant clues, especially in the differential diagnosis with other vascular neoplasms, a thorough hematoxylin and eosin analysis remains an essential tool in AS diagnosis. In this review, we discuss pathological and molecular insights with emphasis on implications for differential diagnosis in cutaneous, breast, soft tissue and visceral AS. Histol Histopathol 36, 3-18 (2021)

Key words: Angiosarcomas, Immunohistochemistry, Molecular biology, Differential diagnosis

DOI: 10.14670/HH-18-246

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