Cellular and Molecular Biology

Volume 15, number 4, 2000

Cell proliferation in the developing rat pineal gland. A bromodeoxyuridine immunohistochemical study
J.L. Calvo, J. Boya, A.L. Carbonell and J.E. García-Mauriño
pp 1005-1010
Glycogen autophagy in newborn rat hepatocytes
S.A. Kalamidas and O.B. Kotoulas
pp 1011-1018
Calbindin D-28k immunoreactive nerve fibers in the carotid body of normoxic and chronically hypoxic rats
T. Kusakabe, H. Matsuda, H. Hirakawa, Y. Hayashida, T. Ichikawa, T. Kawakami and T. Takenaka
pp 1019-1025
Expression of a neu/c-erbB-2-like product in neuroendocrine cells of mammals
I. Martín-Lacave and J.C. Utrilla
pp 1027-1033
Immunohistochemical detection of metallothionein in carcinomatous and normal human gastric mucosa
G. Tuccari, G. Giuffrè, F. Arena and G. Barresi
pp 1035-1041
Changes of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the corneal epithelium after UVB rays. Histochemical and biochemical study
J. Cejková, S. Stípek, J. Crkovská and T. Ardan
pp 1043-1050
Potential use of spectral image analysis for the quantitative evaluation of estrogen receptors in breast cancer
C. Rothman, I. Barshack, A. Gil, I. Goldberg, J. Kopolovic and Z. Malik
pp 1051-1057
Topographical difference of cytoskeletal organization in smooth muscle cells of rat duodenum revealed by quick-freezing and deep-etching method
I. Takayama, Y. Fujii, N. Terada, T. Baba, Y. Kato, M.A. Fujino and S. Ohno
pp 1059-1066
Suppressive effect of rebamipide, an antiulcer agent, against activation of human neutrophils exposed to formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine
T. Kobayashi, V.S. Zinchuk, E. Garcia del Saz, F. Jiang, Y. Yamasaki, S. Kataoka, T. Okada, S. Tsunawaki and H. Seguchi
pp 1067-1076
Dendritic cells and interleukin-2: cytochemical and ultrastructural study
M. Civallero, S. Barni, R. Nano and E. Capelli
pp 1077-1085
Age-related morphometric changes in the pineal gland. A comparative study between C57BL/6J and CBA mice
R. Cernuda-Cernuda, J.J. Huerta, M. Muñoz Llamosas, M. Álvarez-Uría and J.M. García-Fernández
pp 1087-1092
Intrinsic innervation in the intestine of the lizard Podarcis hispanica
C. Martinez-Ciriano, C. Junquera, T. Castiella, E. Gomez-Barrena, J. Aisa and J. Blasco
pp 1093-1105
Nuclear and cytoplasmic lectin receptor sites in rat Py1a osteoblasts
M.G. Sabbieti, L. Marchetti, M.H. Hurley and G. Menghi
pp 1107-1117
Confocal evaluation of native and induced lectin binding contributes to discriminate between lingual gland glycocomponents in quail
A.M. Bondi, M.G. Gabrielli, D. Accili, M.G. Sabbieti and G. Menghi
pp 1119-1125
Selective expression of lysyl oxidase (LOX) in the stromal reactions of broncho-pulmonary carcinomas
S. Peyrol, F. Galateau-Salle, M. Raccurt, C. Gleyzal and P. Sommer
pp 1127-1135
Morpho-histochemical study of the biological effects of sodium dodecyl sulphate on the digestive gland of the Portuguese oyster
M. Rosety, A. Ribelles, M. Rosety-Rodriguez, C. Carrasco, F.J. Ordoñez and J.M. Rosety
pp 1137-1143
Melanization stimulating factors in the integument of the Mugil cephalus and Dicertranchus labrax
A. Zuasti, J.H. Martínez-Liarte, F. Solano and C. Ferrer
pp 1145-1150


Molecular actions of nitric oxide in mesangial cells
K.B. Sandau and B. Brüne
pp 1151-1158
Liver fibrosis, the hepatic stellate cell and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
R. McCrudden and J.P. Iredale
pp 1159-1168
Integrin activation by chemokines: Relevance to inflammatory adhesion cascade during T cell migration
Y. Tanaka
pp 1169-1176
Molecular genetic approaches to microtubule-associated protein function
C. González-Billault and J. Avila
pp 1177-1183
Clinical applications of image cytometry to human tumour analysis
C. Millot and J. Dufer
pp 1185-1200
Adoptive cellular immunotherapy: NK cells and bone marrow transplantation
C.Y. Koh, L.A. Welniak and W.J. Murphy
pp 1201-1210
Cell proliferation and apoptosis in prostate cancer: significance in disease progression and therapy
N. Kyprianou, E.M. Bruckheimer and Y. Guo
pp 1211-1223
Use of interphase cytogenetics in demonstrating specific chromosomal aberrations in solid tumors - new insights in the pathogenesis of malignant melanoma and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
M. Poetsch, T. Dittberner, C. Woenckhaus and B. Kleist
pp 1225-1231
Gene therapy strategies for intracranial tumours: glioma and pituitary adenomas
M.G. Castro, R. Cowen, J. Smith-Arica, J. Williams, S. Ali, S. Windeatt, V. Gonzalez-Nicolini, T. Maleniak and P.R. Lowenstein
pp 1233-1252
Gene therapy using herpes simplex virus-based vectors
D.S. Latchman
pp 1253-1259
Localization of androgen and estrogen receptors in rat and primate tissues
G. Pelletier
pp 1261-1270
Identification and characterization of genes responsive to apoptosis: Application of DNA chip technology and mRNA differential display
Y. Sun
pp 1271-1284
Considerations on the thalamostriatal system with some functional implications
J.M. Giménez-Amaya, S. de las Heras, E. Erro, E. Mengual and J.L. Lanciego
pp 1285-1292
Biological and clinical review of stromal tumors in the gastrointestinal tract
T. Nishida and S. Hirota
pp 1293-1301
Signaling pathways mediated by tumor necrosis factor α
K.G. Leong and A. Karsan
pp 1303-1325